BellTime 0.40 (updated)
BellTime 更新到 0.40.... 原來是已經是一個多月前的事了。
12-Feb-08 Version 0.40 * New: Schedule the launch of an application. * New: MP3 player selection per alarm versus global selection. * New: Time zones show GMT time and DST "sun". * New: Automatic detection of the ring tones on Treo and Centro devices. * Fix: Volume setting now follows the system preference outside the application. * Fix: The time zone bar can now handle multiple cities in one time zone. * Fix: The shared button setting was not always preserved. * Fix: Autosnooze together with pTunes gave unexpected results. * Fix: Could not select a tool from 1st slot.
12-Feb-08 Version 0.40 * New: Schedule the launch of an application. * New: MP3 player selection per alarm versus global selection. * New: Time zones show GMT time and DST "sun". * New: Automatic detection of the ring tones on Treo and Centro devices. * Fix: Volume setting now follows the system preference outside the application. * Fix: The time zone bar can now handle multiple cities in one time zone. * Fix: The shared button setting was not always preserved. * Fix: Autosnooze together with pTunes gave unexpected results. * Fix: Could not select a tool from 1st slot.