
2006年8月31日 星期四

Freeware Palm: GrxView Lite v1.0.0

GrxView 出了 Lite 版,免費的,還不爽快收下?

2006年8月30日 星期三

YouTube - Palm Ad: The Train

TamsPalm-the Palm OS Blog 看到的連結,Palm V 電視廣告 - 紅外線傳情篇,大家可回味一下!

KwikMaps - PalmGear.com

用地址查 Google Map,不知台灣能查嗎?

2006年8月29日 星期二

Palm Software | Utilities | BackUp Pro

BackUp Pro 出新版 1.6.5,當然 lite version 也更新了

Palm Software | Utilities | Destaller Pro

Destaller 出了 2.7.5 版,shareware 和 freeware 兩個版本都有

Can Linux save the Palm OS? | Newsmakers | CNET News.com

CNET 專訪 ALP 的 Tomihisa Kamada 和 Didier Diaz,談到很多 ALP 未來發展,也有一般 end user 關心的舊程式相容問題、多工... 等。共兩頁,值得一讀。

Recal 2.7 (updated)


2006年8月28日 星期一

HashThySelf - PalmGear.com


WineMate 4.20 (updated)


2006年8月25日 星期五

Next Palm OS Treo May Have 3G After All

傳聞:下一台 Palm OS Treo 會有 3G

2006年8月23日 星期三

Freeware Palm: Arcade Park v1.1

多合一遊戲,收錄在 freewarepalm 中,但我看網站好像是 shareware 的樣子

2006年8月22日 星期二

PalmAddicts: World's First Dual Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Chip Announced

第一個 BT + Wi-Fi chip 發表... 看來對手持裝置發展應該有相當的影響

Palm Boulevard: News: Update: ALP Progress Charted At LinuxWorld

PalmSource 的定心丸?... 和 Orange 達成合作協議,不會擔心沒有系統商支持了...

New Details Emerge on the Palm OS Replacement

PalmSource 上週和開發者舉辦小型會議,提到 ALP (Access Linux Platform) 將在今年底授權予廠商,明年春天可望見到新機...
解析度:主要支援 QVGA,但非唯一選項 (可能也支援 VGA),過去支援 320x320 的程式將被 scaled down...

Hampton Software Limited - VoIP & PalmOS Specialists

一個 Palm 上用的 VoIP 軟體,英國公司出品,要價近台幣 1000 元...

2006年8月20日 星期日

Palm Ishido 1.06 (updated)

增加 undo 功能

SpMat - PalmGear.com

看來很像 PC 上用的試算表軟體啊!

Scizors - PalmGear.com


Analoge Uhr 1.9.2 (updaded)

Updated Description:
1.9.2 - can get menu by upper left sreen click

2006年8月17日 星期四

MetaViewSoft - Collection of free tools for Palm OS

一些小工具:開關 BT、電話斷線提示、控制 AutoOff、關閉網路...

試轉火車時刻表資料庫TrainTime2db (2006/8/16) - PDA 軟體相關討論 - PALMisLIFE 討論區

tsyang 在 PIL 公佈的最新火車時刻表資料庫,感謝!

2006年8月16日 星期三

InputInspector - PalmGear.com

Palmasaurus - PalmGear.com

Battery Time from mytreo

Cjkos - Treo 700p - blazer 有部份website不能顯示 - PDA 軟體相關討論 - PALMisLIFE 討論區

這到是個很大的問題,不知杜氏工作室開始行動了嗎?還是會等到 bundle 時一起推出新版...

2006年8月15日 星期二

Tools for Treo - PalmGear.com

MetaView 的三個 Treo 小工具正式在 Palmgear 推出,都是免費的,其中包括好用的 PhoneDisconnect

Card Autorun - Treo Extensions - Treo Downloads | mytreo.net

BinaryClock - Clock and chimes - Treo Downloads | mytreo.net

Moxy - Internet and Networking - Treo Downloads | mytreo.net

Freeware Palm: HabitCop v1.00


2006年8月14日 星期一

Palm Ishido 1.05 (updated)


Freeware Palm: Binary Clock by Deguise v1.0

Binary Clock with the ability to use it as a screensaver and with the possibility to autosync on base.
好像有點好玩 ~~

PetitLaunch 1.0 build 18 (updated)

每天必用小工具, 更新了!

2006年8月11日 星期五

peoject-enigma | products | ListMakeDA

很棒的 DA, 從 PalmwareInfo 看到

PalmAddicts: PhoneDisconnect updated

好用的 PhoneDisconnect 更新了,加上 SMS 和未接來電 LED 提示,更讚了!
(連結支援 Firefox + Web Marker extension)

Palm…move your hide to stop developer erosion

TamsPalm 作者觀點: 不少跡象顯示 Palm OS 正在流失它的 3rd party software developer, 這是很不妙的事...
(連結支援 Firefox + Web Marker extension)

2006年8月10日 星期四

PalmAddicts: RSS in your inbox

把部落格內容寄到指定 mail 的服務,免費!

SuLite One 0.3 (updated)


2006年8月9日 星期三

Palm Boulevard: Features: Mobile Messaging: Part IV - IM Takes on SMS

1src Forums - GetCoords DA

GetCoords then tells you (a) the creator ID of the active application, but this only works when it is launched from myKbd/mySkin, (b) the form ID, and (c) the screen coordinates in the standard coordinate system of the place you tapped.

Griddler 1.2 (updated)

PowerBright 1.0 (updated)

- More efficient method of hold detection: now holding 'Power' works at startups too.
- Users can now choose the hardware button to hold: choosing other button than 'Power' was reported to solve the no-effect issue under LD/TX.
- v0.8 added menu option for backlight/brightness: when reporting 'no-effect', please tell me if the menu's min/max brightness worked for you.

現在可以設定 power button 以外的鍵,所以 Treo650 應該也可用了

iSecur 1.1 (updated)

v1.1 (2006-08-07)
Fixed a bug where secrets were truncated at 255 characters. They can now be up to 16K.
Added a 'Load' button on the main screen to create secrets from templates.

ZX-Pilot 0.6b (updated)


2006年8月5日 星期六

Treonauts | Finally! Treo Nitro: First Gre

關於 Treo Nitro 的照片,Treonauts 也有一些... 看起來頗讓人期待啊!

New Palm OS Treo Nitro Pictures

Palminfocenter 貼出未來新機 Treo Nitro 的照片,消息來源在 Hi-PDA。發文者為 Wade Zhao,看來應該不是芭樂消息。土地公應該也有進一步消息吧!

Access Has Big Goals for the Palm OS

Access 要在幾年內讓 Palm OS 達 smartphone 30% 佔有率... Access 不會只注重亞洲,會積極開發歐美市場... Accsess 高層說

PolliGlot: 三組免費字典


ChemTable 2.25 (updated)

化學元素表,老牌 freeware,更新
2.25 (03/08/06) - Updated the atomic weights to IUPAC 2005 values. The element list can now be sorted by name, symbol, or atomic number.

★ Dominik Chmaj ★ Palm TX Mic DIY :)

這裡有篇自製 TX 錄音麥克風的說明,step by step
我大概沒勇氣自己惡搞,朋友們有興趣的話可以找 PIL 的 MrRight

2006年8月3日 星期四

MiniTones - Ringtones and MIDI - Treo Downloads | mytreo.net

用 MP3 當鈴聲的免費軟體

2006年8月2日 星期三

1src Forums - Dynamic clocking for [almost] all devices!

so far tested on:
-th55,tx,zire72,tj35,te2,tt3, LD (by me)
-zire 72,zire 71 (by ahsirg)

Extended Opera Mini >> TamsPalm-the Palm OS Blog

New features are:

* no title or foot bar - more space for site contents (tap the screen in the lower left corner to open the menu)
* copying text - but this shouldn’t be relevant on a Palm
* importing and exporting bookmarks (from / to a VFS device)
* downloading files to a VFS device
* opening links in the system’s browser (e. g. Blazer)
* saving page to card (and loading it of course)
* getting plain text of a page, saving it to card
* auto reloading page
* file manager (VFS)
* statistics
* shortcuts / customation

1src Forums - 3 small free tools for your Treo

by PalmPDF 作者

* BTAn, BTAus to switch on/off BT
* PhoneDisconnect to play a small sound when your call is disconnected"

1SRC Freeware - MetaDA - launch other DAs from this DA

超讚軟體,叫出 DA list 且支援五項鍵

Launch this from a Desk Accessory launcher to get a popup list of all your Desk Accessories. This is like the wonderful SelectDA, except:
(a) MetaDA is omitted from its own list.
(b) The five-way selector works.
(c) The list is sorted by recentness of selection and the DA most recently launched from MetaDA is highlighted initially.
(d) Public Domain source code is included.

EasyFuel 1.20 (updated)

> Conduit for uploading database to desktop in CSV format.

ScreenDumpDA - PalmGear.com

銀幕截圖 DA... 我覺得 HRCaptDA 也還蠻好用,不知它有何獨特之處?

Palm Ishido - PalmGear.com

釣魚遊戲,NVBackup 作者 pruss 的作品,之前才在 1src 曝光

PalmArt screensaver - PalmGear.com

PowerBright 0.8 (updated)

- Forced the power button to issue a press event - MIGHT have solved the no-effect issues for certain devices?
- More compatible with other programs that intercept button presses.
- Added menu option for backlight/brightness. When reporting 'no-effect', please tell me if the menu's min/max brightness worked for you.

SafeRecs 1.3 (updated)

- Option to allow normal 'Find' if password entry was cancelled.
- More compatible with other programs that intercept button presses.

SC-123PU 1.8 (updated)

V1.8 UPDATE 2006-08-01:
* Calculation errors with signed numbers in LOGIC mode fixed.
* Display problem when switching from two lines BIN mode to another mode fixed.

2006年8月1日 星期二

Sudoku 1.24 (updated)

* Fixed bug in Colouring strategy
* Fixed bug where wrong minimum auto power off setting was saved and used
* Fixed the auto-power-off timer reset to only trigger on events actually processed by Sudoku; this may help prevent the Palm from switching on by itself when background processes (for example, Chatter Email) wake up to do things
* New "Solve to" button for the Solve Log that applies all the log entries up to and including the selected entry
* Manually entering hints given in the solver log entry no longer wipes out the log, instead just removes the entries
* Improved some event handling to maybe lower power consumption a little
* Automatically generated numbers to make game names unique are now at least two digits long
* The "Cannot edit starting digit" message now takes two taps in the same cell to appear; the first tap just beeps
* New preference to have the Show pencilmarks filter stay synchronised with the selected fast digit entry - allows for much easier pencilmarking
* Rearranged the Edit menu options slightly

Palm Space : Palmware : ClockATVer.1.0RC3 (updated)

RC2 在 Treo 650 新版 ROM 好像有點問題,希望 RC3 很正常。

PowerBright 0.7 (updated)

Currently this program may not work for all devices:
Reported success: Palm Tungsten C, Zire 31, Sony CLIE TH55.
Reported no effect: Palm Tungsten E2/T3, TX and Treo 650.

Updated Description:
v0.7: Added 'max' at power-off.

難怪我在 Treo650 上一直覺得怪怪的!

Eponyms 1.85 (updated)

1.85 (7/25/06)
* Now 1600 eponyms!

ScrBtn (Screen Button) 2.39 (updated)

20060729 v2.39

*FIX: Fix a bug that will reset system when changing category. (Thanks to Daryn Hanright from The PalmHeads )
*ADD: Add commands '#ti#tj' for 12-hour clock on label. (under John Pearce's suggestion)
*ADD: Menu\Other\Soft Reset
*ADD: ScrBtn can load launchable databases. For example, some java midlets are not applications but launchable databases. (Suggested by Scott Mattes and Gary LaPointe. Thanks to them for testing!)
*IMPROVE: Option form 'HardButton in Prefs' has been redesigned.
*TEST: Add BatteryLevel, Bluetooth, SignalLevel Gadgets Display for Treo 600 and above, but I don't know if it works.

SafeRecs 1.2 (updated)

v1.2: Added 'Configure...' menu option to further control Find's protection & optionally show keyboard for password.

JeZ+Lee's T-Crisis100%? 5.7P (updated)

SourceForge.net: Mario

Palm 上的瑪力歐兄弟遊戲,新發行喔!