
2007年6月23日 星期六

ScrBtn (Screen Button) v2.44 (updated)

Update Description:

* IMPROVED: Corrected some English grammar faults in readme
files. (Thanks to Bruce Milmine!)

* ADDED: The title of main form will
show current time.
(Suggested by Mark Groen, ???, etc.)

Sometimes, ScrBtn could not remember the path when launching apps on
card due to a flaw in a sort algorithm. (Reported by L Lewin. Thanks to
him for assisting me in analysis!) 20070428 v2.43 beta:

* ADD: Trigger
system's find ability using "Special Action" \ "Find". (Suggested by
Eric Burkel.)20070315

* IMPROVE: The file selector of "Launch App on
Card" would remember the path. (Suggested by Dennis Bareis.)20070415

ADD: Add Tungsten's "Record" button and Treo's "Side" button as new
. (Suggested by Tomky)

* IMPROVE: "Soft Reset" in menu would
not prompt. In "Category Settings", the category names would be
automaticly copied to "New Name" field when you selected an item in
list.(Suggested by ???)

* ADD: Charaters from A to Z are triggers now.
You can write them in silkscreen or by keyboard to trigger an action.
(Suggested by ??, Vinodh Kumar Markapuram, etc.)

* IMPROVE: The trigger
list in "Button Settings" now supports incremental search, so you can
quickly locate an trigger by writing characters matching the first few
characters of it.

* ADD: There is "(Global)" category in "Button
Settings" now, you can turn to it from top-right category drop-down
list. Every action for hard buttons you set in this "(Global)" category
have global effect which means if a hard button does not have action in
a category but have action in "(Global)", when you press it in that
category, the action in "(Global)" will be triggered. (Suggested by
Dennis Bareis)20070428

* ADD: In "Button Settings", mode "Switch
Category", there are two new category "(Next)" and "(Previous)". You
can guess what they do. (Suggested by Jose Felix Gomez)20070428

ScrBtn (Screen Button) v2.44 freeware for Palm treo phone and pda, PalmOS free downloads.

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